The following are areas I specialize in: 

Trauma - traumatic experiences call into question how we understand and experience trust.  We experience a world where danger is more probable than safety.  The resultant hyper alertness causes emotions at a heightened level, and a loop where we continuously push them away because of their intensity. It's also difficult to trust others, which affects our ability to create meaningful relationships. 

                                          Therapy can help you develop your capacity to create safety, form good relationships, connect with your inner                                                   experience and not run from conflict. 

                                         *Not everyone that experiences trauma will develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, we can                                                   assess for PTSD. Click here to learn more about it.

Multi-ethnic/Multi-cultural Issues- growing up with more than one ethnic or cultural identity can cause confusion and feelings of not belonging. It can negatively impact our confidence and ability to assertively communicate with others.

Therapy can help you explore your connection to your multiple identities and create a positive narrative about who you are that encompasses all parts of yourself. 

LGBTQQI - queer issues present their own specific cultural challenges.  Growing up in a straight society can cause problems in same sex intimacy, in bottoming, in self-worth, and in navigating relationship needs (open-closed, marriage-no marriage, sex-no sex).

Therapy can help you connect with your true desires and help you enjoy the liberty you have to create your life,                                                 your happiness and your kind of relationships.

Couples - we may not know how to repair the wounds that happen in relationships. We may have difficulty facing our partners sadness or other difficult emotions. We may care about each other so much that we don't communicate our needs effectively because we don't want to upset our partners. This can lead to resentment, passive-aggressive communication, and disconnection from each other.

Therapy can help each member of the relationship provide safety and security to their lover, to be                                                                         vulnerable with one another and safely address hurts that are interfering with connection.